Sunday, April 12, 2009

Article: Google's Best Easter Eggs and Hoaxes

Google is one of the most used search engines on the internet. In regards to an information system it is relvant to all of us on an everyday basis. From an ethical persepective google can be a source of pranks and hoaxes to its users. Not to mention Google can allow viruses to be transmitted, whether accidental or not. I feel that Google is a great company and website. Its capabilites are amazing. I know that when I need to find anythina at all I can depend on google to find it for me. The articel I have read reviews certain Easter Egg apps and lets you explore them yourself. It is just a good example in relevacne to this week's topics of information systems and the ethics involed. Nothing is a perfect system even when it comes to ncomputers, the internet, and informatin systems. But I think Google comes damn close to being perfect (at elast for me when I need to find infromation).

Sources: Spring, Tom. (2009). Google's Best Easter Eggs and Hoaxes. PC World.


  1. It is a hidden message or prank or something of the sort.. Next time you use firefox, try this. in the address bar, simply enter: about:mozilla

    The page will display an Easter egg directed at Internet Explorer -- which had it's own joke about FireFox crashing computers.

    On the topic of Ethics -- I know that some ex employees have the master password to many corporate servers. Would it be ethical for me to report that? Or maybe this is a security issue. The corporation should have been more aware of who was getting what information, and setting up process and procedure to change those passwords when someone was laid off?

  2. I enjoy googles easter eggs and hoaxes. I use gmail and I like the yearly april fools hoax the perform every year. As for ethics, I don't think they are violating anything by using humor a few days a year.
